- GeoIP-devel - Development headers and libraries for GeoIP
- bglibs-devel - Development includes and libraries for bglibs
- cvm-devel - Development libraries for CVM
- libdar-devel - Development files for libdar
- perl-CPAN - Query, download and build perl modules from CPAN sites
- perl-DBM-Deep - A pure perl multi-level hash/array DBM
- perl-ExtUtils-Install - Install files from here to there
- perl-Mojo-JWT - JSON Web Token the Mojo way
- perl-Mojolicious-Plugin-CSRFDefender - Defend CSRF automatically in Mojolicious Application
- perl-Net-DNS-Native - Non-blocking system DNS resolver
- perl-Path-Class - Cross-platform path specification manipulation
- perl-WWW-CSRF - Generate and check tokens to protect against CSRF attacks
- wv-devel - MSWord format converter - development files