2013-02-22 - 15.0 2010-06-02 - 14.0 (followed by a 3 year hiatus period) 2006-07-30 - 12.8 (followed by a 3 year hiatus period) 2006-05-22 - 12.7 2005-08-21 - 12.5 2005-06-08 - 12.4 2005-05-30 - 12.3 2005-03-24 - 12.2 (name officially changes to aLinux) 2005-03-02 - 12.1 (last version of Peanut-Linux: ISO size had went from 70+Mb to over 600+Mb so a name change seemed appropriate) 2005-01-25 - 12.0 2004-04-29 - 9.6 2003-03-01 - 9.5 2002-11-20 - 9.4 2002-03-02 - 9.2 2002-01-09 - 9.1 2001-04-03 - 8.4 2001-02-15 - 8.3 2000-11-07 - 8.1 2000-08-11 - 8.0 2000-02-21 - 7.5 1999-12-24 - 7.4 1999-12-19 - 7.3 1999-12-12 - 7.2 1999-12-03 - 7.1 1999-09-10 - 2.0 1999-08-19 - 1.1 (first version of Peanut-Linux hits the WWW using a Linus Kernel) 1996-1999 - 0.1-1.0 (unreleased Peanut (minix) versions due to copyrights)